blir / blir / raster noton
SND project, Blir is the most recent featured artist in the exceptional Raster Post series. The album begins with blended vibrating microbeats burrowing forward, layering one on top of the other. There is a wider range of sounds explored in this album compared to previous releases. Bleeps, gently simmering static, dull thuds, piercing melodies continually evolve through each track like changing colours that melt into each other.
listen: 2
listen: 17
fennesz + sakamoto / sala santa cecilla / touch
Fennesz and Sakamoto construct a beautifully concentrated 19 minutes that covers a lot of ground. They appear to have a very natural connection, that can only come from mutual respect and a fair amount of give and take. "Sala Santa Cecilla" is a beautifully constructed journey through glitchy clouds and atmospheric hums.
listen: sala santa cecilia
boards of canada / new album / october
"we are extremely proud to announce that boards of canada have finished and mastered their new album, to be released in october - their first release since 2002's geogaddi! the album is very much classic boards of canada, building on themes and sounds that can can be heard in their intervening remix work for beck, cLOUDDEAD and boom bip..
- warp records"
chris cunningham / new video / aphex twin
decibel festival / seattle / september 22-25
line up so far:
isolee, fennesz, thomas fehlmann, akufen, deadbeat, aeroc, tim hecker, deru, proem, machine drum, l'usine, jeff samuel, jacob london, caro, bruno ponsato, cepia, loscil, strategy, deceptikon, gel-sol, 302, dj merck